MomThis is a Portrait of my older brother. Second time I've ever tried to accomplish this feat so I don't think I did all that bad.Just goofing off with some extra time I had the other day
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Joe Johnson
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I'm not real big on asking anyone for help but I think that becoming a writer might just be possible. Eventually maybe even become something great. Who knows? Anyway, I'm sitting hear now asking you for your support. Give me a chance and there's a good possibility that I surprise you. My goals for the moment as I take this next step. To spend a ton of time writing, creating something that can be worthy of all your time and help. I am happy to listen to all who would like to speak your mind on my writing. Ideas on what you might want from me or things I could change. I promise to give writing all I got to share mentally, physically and creatively. The support is to help me get my stories spread. Get them out, into the world. I agree, this should be free to do. I'm telling you guys, it's not. I know, ridiculous huh. I can't tell you how much this support means to me. Thanks so much guys for everything and I hope to hear from you.
I'm am 36 years old and trying something different. I've thought about trying to write fictional stories most my adult life. This is me giving it a shot so I can find out if I can hack it. I'm all for learning new things, skills or trades. I have a wild imagination when I put it to use and would like to see where it might take me or you. Lol
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